DIP DIET by Dr Biswaroop Roy chaudhary

There lives a man in Faridabad who has successfully reversed diabetes in many patients with no medicine, no exercise or any magic potion but merely with a diet change,the name of this man is- Dr BISWAROOP ROY CHAUDHARY and his magical diet is famously called- DIP DIET

Who is Biswaroop Roy chaudhary?

Dr Biswaroop Roy chaudhary holds many degrees from various interested universities and conducts live seminars in Vietnam and other countries.
Dr Biswaroop Roy chaudhary explains the biological processes of our body in a very laymen, easily understandable way (unlike the western medicine practising allopathic doctors).


Early morning- morning routine should start with lukewarm water immediately after you wake up from bed.


till 12 pm only fruits are to be consumed.
Now the quantity of fruits should be minimum of 10 percent of your body weight in grams.
For example if your weight is 80 kilograms than you have to eat a minimum of 800 grams of fruits (and this 800 quantity include just edible portion of fruits without seeds and without peels )
You can not add any salt or spice over the fruits.
If you find yourself unable to eat this many fruits in one go, then you can divide your quantified fruits in 2-3 meals but till 12pm you have to eat only fruits and nothing else.


your lunch shall compromise of two plates 1 and 2
Plate 1- this plate should comprise of raw vegetables (any vegetables of your choice). The size of this plate will be vegetables which are 5% of your body weight. 
For example if your weight is 80 kilograms than the amount of vegetables in plate 1 should be minimum 400 grams.if you can eat more vegetables it will be better but the minimum should be 5percent.
Plate 2- any food of your choice but it should be home cooked and non dairy.

Dinner also comprises of two plates  same as lunch .
Plate 1- Raw vegetables with a weight of minimum 5% off your body weight (with no added salt or any other spices)
Plate 2- any home cooked food of your choice but it should be and process and non dairy.
The dinner should be early and after 8 pm the eating window closes.
After 8 pm You can't consume anything except water.

Essential elements of DIP DIET



you can use any fruit,soaked dry fruits, vegetable, pea nuts, homemade herbal tea, coconut water, hunza tea or anything which is not processed ,which doesn't come in a packet and which is essentially non animals  product.

1Processed food
2dairy products
3Animal meat
4Packaged items
7Nicotine or any other addictive drug forms.
8 tea/ coffee
9Health supplements

Alternative for dairy
Almond milk
Coconut milk
Peanut milk

Where's my calcium
Doctor Bishwaroop Roy chaudhary explains that dip Diet is incomplete without green leaves and sunshine.
All herbivore animals fulfill their calcium intake through green leaves and grass. We have seen even carnivore animals like lion ,dogs and cats eating leaves and grass when they fall sick.
The green leaves are nutrient dense and possess calcium in a form which is easily recognised by our liver and hence this calcium absorbs faster and more in blood
. Also 40 minutes of sunshine will do wonders to your body.Not only the sunlight helps in production of vitamin D in your skin also it increases your Life force. 
Sunlight uplifts out immune system and heal many diseases.

This diet is beneficial in various lifestyle diseases like hypertension anxiety ,type 2 diabetes, low blood pressure, migraine, asthma, joint pains and many other diseases.

Declutter your refrigerators
One should remember that most of the things are refrigerators contain are packaged and processed foods which are strictly banned in dip diet. Things like pizza, breads ,biscuits, packaged peanuts, rusk ,cake, jam, butter, milk pouch ,sauce ,ketchup ,namkin all these things are are loaded with preservatives and are highly processed.
They do not fall under the category of food according to Mr Bishwaroop Roy choudhary.

Importance of raw vegan
When someone eats fruits vegetables in their raw form then and he gets lots of live enzymes which are beneficial for your body for daily maintenance and wear and tear.

 Before we make any judgement for dip Diet ,we all must be agreeing in our heads that diet is basically raw vegan . Importance of eating raw fruits and vegetables has been emphasised since long by our grandparents. Raw fruits and vegetables are a great source of vital nutrients and live enzymes which are essential for our body to fight diseases and correct anomalies.
This diet is quite similar to the diet of Steve Jobs and Bill Clinton.

We have witnessed many people who have benefited from this DIP DIET in their diabetes, joint pains, weakness, stagnant weight loss, hypertension, anxiety, migraine, asthma and cholesterol.
I would request you to try this
Diet for at least ten days and if you feel benefited do share your stories in the comment section.



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