Neeraj Atri- Man who uncovered the academic fraud by NCERT

"Sir if I am the progeny of Aryans than why am I black?" That was the question Neeraj Atri was asked by a student of his class , the question that changed the purpose of his life.

Neeraj Atri is a professor of physics and he teaches physics to engineering students but one fine day in his class, a student asked Mr Neeraj Atri -"Sir if I am the progeny of Aryans than why am I black?"
Then Neeraj Atri asked him-" how do you know that Aryans were fair skinned and came from somewhere else"
The student promptly replied that it's what he has been taught in his NCERT books since childhood.
That moment blasted the consciousness of Neeraj Atri .He was shocked to see that how NCERT book writers misinterpret history and have been successful in making students believe everything that is printed in their books .

Neeraj Atri believed that the education system of India has been thoroughly compromised. It is being systematically used to create a historical grand narrative, which is ethically and factually incorrect. Sophisticated propaganda techniques are employed to create this artifice.

He pondered and pondered that why are the youths of India so convinced that their heritage and culture was inferior to other nations and religions.

Then came the phase of Reckoning responsibility towards the coming generation and Neeraj Atri studied all the NCERT books from first to twelfth grade and found that the books are using every psychological trick to make the tender minds of students feel inferior and guilty towards their own culture and religion.
These books also tries to distort facts from history several times in order to jeopardize the young minds into believing that India lacked a sophisticated civilization and a concept of unity of a nation in ancient times which is so hilarious in itself because ours has been a prosperous and educated civilization when other civilizations were living as nomads.

Neeraj Atri and his team are doing giant efforts to highlight this academic fraud. It is a result of research spread over for more than 6 years.

Neeraj Atri requested that every Indian should read the real history to understand why we have lost self respect and direction. His well researched claims proved to be an eye opener to the misdoings and the blatant mis-representation of Indian History and to the misplaced glorification of the Invaders of India right from the Islamic invaders to the European ones. In India, our history is never written in neutral point of view. It is always left leaning to fulfill their agenda and propagate their ideology in Indian history which we all study in schools and universities through NCERT books. Neeraj Atri along with his team tries to reveal history which was hidden. He makes you realise how our own history was distorted.

He always maintain a stand on how these historian degrade our scriptures by saying all false and utter lies. Belittling Hindu scriptures are their main purpose in the name of "freedom of speech". And you know books written by these eminent historian are recommended by coaching institute to those who are preparing for government jobs competition especially UPSC exams.

A few examples given by Mr Neeraj Atri-:
1. from class 6th NCERT books where Vedic period was belittled citing that Indian women had no say in the society, women were ill-treated, slavery was practiced in ancient India but in reality all these things never happened.

2. Ncert 6th standard book on one hand tried to malign Hindu religion many times while on the other hand they glorified Christianity and Islam.

3. NCERT book tried to make a hero of Raja Ram Mohan Rai claiming him to be the widow re-marriage proponent and a great person to ban sati - pratha, but the reality is Ram Mohan Rai was not a king at all but a salaried employee of Britishers and till the age of 54 he did nothing noteworthy and no documentary proofs are available that he actually did something when it comes to sati pratha.

4. Class 5th Hindi NCERT text book has a full three page chapter about Akbar describing how great, humble, kind hearted, children loving, compassionate for other religions and down to earth he was. There is no mentioning of his brutality towards Hindus, demolishing of temples and his polygamous nature.

5.From 1st to 5th standard there were many chapters about Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi but not even a single line about Bhagat Singh or Subhash Chandra Bose.

6. The Aryans invasion theory has been rejected by many renowned historians yet it's purposefully written in our books which are read by our children

The deep research by Neeraj Atri and his team uncovered many such purposeful misinterpretations in NCERT books that were acting as resistance in letting young students develop a sense of nationalism towards their own country.

Neeraj Atri than founded an organisation that fought against all this.

Neeraj Atri is the president of national center for historical research and comparative study, Chandigarh which raised numerous RTIs to NCERT asking the purpose and sources of these inferiority generating syllabus . Almost all responses to these RTIs had no convincing answer.

PIL in high court
Neeraj Atri along with his team also filed many PILs in high court demanding urgent changes in syllabus as soon as possible.
The court said that the recommended changes should be first sent to NCERT and if the NCERT refuses to amend the syllabus than high court should be approached again. After that these recommendations were sent to NCERT and after many months the NCERT replied that the recommendations have been sent to Jawahar lal university as majority of the syllabus writers are professors of JNU after that no response was made from NCERT .

Spreading awareness through books
Seeing all his hard work were not gardening any results Mr. Neeraj Atri wrote a book- BRAINWASHED REPUBLIC in which he quoted many examples from the NCERT books with well researched references that how history is taught to the children of India in a purposefully distorted and misinterpreted manner.

This book is not a narrative being set to counter the one we believe as history. This book is a fact. Fact strongly backed by historical records and evidences. The author has given references to all the historical documents wherever he has to challenge the traditional narratives.
Many review that this book is a wake up call, a whistle blower. This book is going to challenge all our traditional beliefs in our country's history to the core. A challenge to the systematic conditioning of the minds of our country's future generations.
And finally this book is the answer. Answer to all the questions that were raised in my mind while learning our country's history.
In every country the historians and education policy makers makes sure that the textbooks must glorify its history, culture and religion so as to fill young students with sense of patriotism and nationalism for their country but in India the scenario is totally opposite.

This book gives a very valuable insight about the type of propaganda that has taken over our taught history in education system. The authors have went to great efforts into research as to how our history is not being taught as a fact of truth but to appeal to a specific section of society and satisfy the ego of some political ideology. And this is being done at the cost of sacrificing or slaughtering (to be more precise) the religious and cultural integrity of the majority in India. If you had any questions during your school times regarding our country's history this book has the answers. For example if the caste system or sati pratha were so common since ancient times how come no one in ancient India observe that it was evil. If India were so poor and backward why was it invaded by the foreigners? Turns out the answer is far from what we are being taught.

Mr Neeraj Atri is very active in his drive for teaching the real history of India to our children.
His good work is appreciated by many great leaders and historians today and to all this he humbly says that all this is his responsibility towards the children of India.
You can find many of his speeches and videos on YouTube and Facebook .

Every parent , Every elder sibling must read the NCERT text books .What do you feel about the text books your children read ?
Are these NCERT books shaping their young minds in a particular way?

Do share your views in the comment section.


  1. Wow.
    Great work & research.
    God bless.
    Good for reminding rich heritage of Bharat to young guys.
    Bharat itself is derived from
    भा - means light or sun.
    रत - means marching towards or seeking.
    India���� or Bharat is land always seeked light.


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