Your final chance to get fit
Tiring Office hours, no time for myself, joint family, partner away from home.
All these excuses have come to halt with lockdown.
no offices,no travelling, no getting dressed up and down, you have more than sufficient amount of time ,your partner is there to co-operate in household chores.
Now stop making any more empty excuses as this is the best time to start getting healthier and the reasons are-
Home incubation-people have bean lockdown Indian houses all around the globe what term should be used judiciously to get fit maintain healthy body clock routine. Now you have that time which earlier used to get wasted in socializing, use this time to lift some weights and get those muscles stretched.
Extra hours-even if you work from home you still have lot of extra hours which are totally yours. Use this extra time to cook something healthy and exercise.
House chores-as in this lockdown your maid coke servants are not available. Now treat this as an opportunity because performing household shows diligently will not only burn calories but will also give you at tidy home.
Reading time- if you are one of those guys who always complain of not having sufficient time to read more about nutrition how body works and healthy habits. The sagacious use of this extra time must be used to educate yourself on nutrition and healthy lifestyle changes. You can search the internet and read out some books for that.
Sound sleep-all round the year everyone has one single common complaint and that is lack of sleep. This lockdown has bestowed you to grab the opportunity to take your desired maps yours eight hour long sound sleeps and thus stimulating the good hormones in your body. Don't waste this opportunity with erratic sleeping schedule and late night youtubing.
Home cooked food only-everyone is afraid Tu to order food from outside because of the fear of getting infected with covid-19. And this is such a good thing happened to you you trust me on that.I am sure like everyone else you too much be complaining your die hard habit of ordering junk food from outside and therefore gaining weight.
Now you can can try as many healthy recipes as you can that too in the comfort of your home and your vicious habit of junk food will be taken care of by the governments.
You can experiment with lots of things like:
#steamed or boiled vegetables
# zero oil cooking
#weekly fast
#fresh home extracted fruit juices,
#raw vegan diet
early dinner habit
And what not. Let loose your imagination and amend your unhealthy lifestyle right away.
All the best for a low calorie and healthy future.
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