office is the most dangerous place on earth/Work place cleaning tips/lockdown meditation/ Office politics 2020

before you proceed to read on and answer these five questions honestly.

1Do you feel trapped in that vicious 9 to 5 rugged web?

2Does your workplace troubles don't let you inhale peace even at your home?

3Do you feel crippled in solving workplace office travels even after lot of hard work?

4Did that shoe licker at office again took credits for your project?

5.Do you feel yourself surrounded in office politics all the time?

If you got a a minimum of three yes as your answers for the above four questions then Hey! Congratulations. welcome to the world of normal people.

Office could be the most dangerous places on earth. You could find backstabbers credit takers shulak us backbiters easily.

Now in order to improve your this broken mind set I will tell you fifteen possible things that might save you from future tensions and future diseases erupting out of stress.

Did lockdown Amid the Corona spread this mind cleaning must be exercised by you.
These steps will fix your dysfunctional life into to a normal one again.

WorkPlace rules for a sane life.

  1trust no one but respect everyone-

 So my first step to you would be don't trust anyone but also for the sanity of your mind set respect people's good behaviour . No individual in this world including you could be 100% that or 100% nice.that's the majority of the goodness or badness that defines the character of people. Show respect the good in the people for your inner peace also ignore the bad in the people again for your inner peace.

2 Don't bring the negatives home-whatever happens in the four walls of office, don't bring it outside to your home

  3 Don't let the office gossips travel with you- office gossips to your home or vice versa.

4Leave office on time leave office on time your desktop is not going to improve your health aur mood number

  5expect nothing if anybody from office helps you good if anybody from office doesn't help you great be your own helper and the person who make you happy

  6no make no relationships at office place it always backfires sooner or later

7 never run for designations-for the madness of designations if you get promotion that's fine if you don't that's fine too you will always be remembered by buy your knowledge your politeness your nature and who you are not by the designation you hold for some n amount of time

8 never run behind office task you are fine anyway and have better things to do in life especially with your family follow the eisenhower matrix just do what's important not What's urgent.

9 Declutter your EGO avoid taking everything to your ego go to draw a lovely life for your family and you . Fools and shoe lickers will always be there

.10 You are not everyone's cup of tea- without people treat you you are not everyone's cup of tea some would be good to you and some would be bad that happens with everyone

  11 Be humble- the universe has given you things to cherish be thankful humble and grateful to as many people as you can

12follow the Eisenhower's matrix in the end nothing matters except your family friends and your health and your inner peace

13 don't be the reason for someone's stress at office-for your bosses and seniors do to your full capacity and in time what they ask you to do and for your juniors stop making their lives stressful either with your nasty conversation about them , honouring them trying to belittle them in the eyes of the boss /seniors / colleagues or staff.

14 don't take anyone else's credit-if you want to shine in the eyes of your boss to your own hard work do you own projects right and it's completely immoral to take credits for someone else's projects and hard work. You are much capable than you think build your own credits on your own shoulder ,with your own hands.

15 don't earn and burn -be sagacious while spending your salary, say something for the future save a fraction of your salary for investment and a fraction of it for or quality time with your family,kids and friends. Don't don't just the money and burn it in no time and become broke for the entire month.
Wish you a happy office the next time.


  1. Sir after reading this post of yours. All my confusion is gone. I have benefited a lot from visiting your site. Thank you Love you much


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