Vandana Shiva- from physics to nature

Shiva the world famous environmental activist. She is laureate of the alternative Nobel prize 1998 and is an author of numerous books.
Her latest book 
                   ONE EARTH,
            ONE HUMANITY Vs 1%
She also marked her efforts in CHIPKO MOVEMENT.
She was studying physics and doing her education in quantum energy and was involved with the Indian nuclear researches but then her sister(who happens to be a medical doctor) woke her up to the giant side effects of nuclear energy. And she went deeper into the theories of quantum physics and wanted to go to Canada to study further about the foundations of quantum theory .

But before leaving you wanted to visit the the Himalayan mountains and trees one more time as she grew up in the Himalayan region. But aisi reach there to her dismay and surprise the forest had gone the streams had disappeared and there was no attractiveness like it used to be in the Himalayan region.
 At that time she happened to you meet some local women who knew everything about the ecological balance .from there the women gave Vandana Shiva the idea of chipko movement they are told that they cannot let the trees be cut because trees give them everything from their to food to ecological balance and the word chipko means to hug so they were basically trying to be the hugers of the trees in order to avoid deforestation.
 trees give us water .
Trees hold the ground to prevent soil erosion.

Trees make the soil fertile.
trees stabilise the mountains and prevent landslides.
trees prevent floods and droughts.
 All of these great lessons of ecological harmony and biodiversity were taught to Vandana Shiva by the the women of Himalayas who had never been to school. Forest
are not timber minds.
Nature is basis of Economy.
 Entry of corporations in agriculture as most of them had roots 
Fertilizers are made in the same factory.
Vandana Shiva has now become the face of war against the environment destroying billionaire.

 what you feel about saving the environment and throwing away the chemical farming?
Do let us know in the comment section.


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