Game's over for tik tok

Apps like musically,tik tok have wasted enough time, efforts and attention of our youngsters .

The success of a nation depends on the attitude of its youth,but with apps like tik tok , country is slipping slowly into a black hole.

Not only that, tik tok allows users of any age to join it. 
Even a 4year old child can be a tik toker.

Either there is no monitoring or very little monitoring on tik tok videos , which means you can post anything ,no matter how harmful it could be for someone or for society in general and you can get away with it.

Recently a young tik toker Faisal siddiqui aka faisu uploaded a video on tik tok which was said to promote acid attacks on girls by boys. 

This video of Faisal promted young you tuber (with account name of Carry Minati) to roast him mercilessly on his  you tube video.

 This video soon became the most watched video on YouTube and along with it the inhuman and insensitive tik tok video of Faisal came into the notice of everyone. How can someone promote throwing acid on a women that casually?This question soon became the hot topic in the whole country . Live debates started taking place on news channels about how tik tok could prove to be dangerous for youths and society . Along with all this hue and cry many Women oriented NGOs stepped into the matter to condemn this young social media influencer Faisal siddiqui. Some of these even demanded to ban tik tok in India.
The real life acid attacks victim miss LAXMI also came out publicly on social media and condemned the tik toker Faisal siddiqui for promoting acid attacks on women.
Finally many FIRs were lodged by lawyer Mr Ali kaashif khan on this young tik toker Faisal siddiqui at cyber crime cell and amboli police station (according to reports published in times of India) and even though Faisal has apologised and pulled down his video but his  court cases are still pending . Now the scrutiny of tik tok started taking place and you would be shocked to read the list.
1 many young influencers had created tik tok videos that promotes minor children doing sexually suggestive acts. 
2 Another video by Faisal was complained about was found in which he was flouting lockdown rules .
3.Many videos of other tik toker glorified rapes on women.

4.Many videos branded cruelty towards animals as a fun thing .

5.A video on tik tok was uploaded that showed a group of people hanged an innocent cat from its neck on a high ceiling and then they were laughing at the cat while the cat seemed to be dying slowly.

6.Many tik tok videos depicted assaults on women and use of force against a women as a very casual thing.
7.Many videos were found to be instigating communal hatred amongst Hindu and Muslim.

8.A lot of videos promoted flouting and urging other people to disobey lockdown and social distancing norms amid the corona virus pandemic.

9.A large number of videos were found to be totally obscene yet they could be watched by even a child.

 10 A lot of videos promoted racism and castism in society. 

11.A video was found to be glorifying domestic violence.

The list is endless and this is merely a small part of it.

Now the question arises why do we allow this Chinese app to demean the ethical standards of our society and let the app use our youngsters to create a waste of their lives.

Chinese people are famously considered hard working citizens , now you may bet if they would be wasting their precious time on such silly apps.

 I guess the answer is NO.

Isn't it time for our government to ban this Chinese good for nothing app and save the country of productive youngsters who would rather be spending time for their future and development than burning their time on tik tok.

Hasn't the Tik tok has become a controversial medium and has proved to have a negative influence on people and is functioning detrimental for society?

What do you think of the situation, do we really need apps like tik tok in a under developed nation like ours?

Do let us know in the comment section.
Wishing you all a productive life.


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