Diseases and cures- summary of Rajiv dixit


In India every citizen is familiar with the name of Rajiv dikshit. Often known as the son of the soil 
He was born on 30 November 1967 in prayagraj, uttar Pradesh.
Rajiv dikshit ji had earned a great fan following and respect in India before his tragic and suspicious death  on 30 November 2010 in Bhilai, chattisgarh at the age of 43 years.

Rajiv dikshit never really liked allopathy and western medicine culture, he always advocated that Western medicine has serious detrimental effects on on our body and  it generally cures just the symptoms of the diseases rather than working on the cause of the disease.

Rajiv dikshit was one person who always professed Swadeshi knowledge, Ayurveda and lastly homeopathy .

Rajiv dikshit teamed up with swami ramdev Baba to spread awareness about the Indian heritage and the lost Indian knowledge.

 Both of them wandered all around India and organised camps and meetings to localise their thoughts and ambition.
For many diseases he advocated only Ayurvedic treatment.
After researching a lot and scrutinising almost all the addresses(audio and video) of Mr Rajiv dikshit here we are listing treatment / remedies for several diseases.
4.heart blockage
5. Stones
6.Alcohol addiction

Rajiv Gandhi says that diabetes is a lifestyle disorder/disease and orcas due to the the insulin getting a tendency of being  theslower and less agile. When a person gets tested for sugar levels the insulin rest at the bottom and haemoglobin comes up and the result shows increased amount of sugar levels in the blood. Now in order to correct it there are several ways suggested by Rajiv dikshit ji
1. Leaves of the sadabahar plant- if one takes the leaves of the sadabahar plant on an empty stomach in morning and evening and chew it thoroughly before swallowing it then one can  stabilised sugar levels in the blood.
2. Dried seeds of jamun-you have to make a paste of sun dried seeds of jamun fruit in in a bottle preferably glass bottle. There are many e shops in India where you can find readymade jamun powder. you have to consume this powder two times in a day one in morning and the second time in evening.
3. Karela /bitter gourd- the fresh bitter gourd juice is very effective in lowering blood sugar levels. Rajiv dikshit also once mentioned in one of his speech that we can also mix jamun powder and bitter gourd powder and consume it as it is.
4. Rajiv dikshit says that diabetes patient especially type 2 diabetes patient must leave crystal sugar r,sugar and other processed sugary things. He always used to refer process and sugar as empty calorie food which has zero nutrition for the body but loads of side effects and addictive nature.
5. Rajiv dikshit it says that diabetes especially type 2 diabetes patients must eat sweet items which are nature made and not man made insist on consuming jaggery jaggery powder mishri khaand fruits and other things which are idhar natural or least processed.

1 har singar plant- the leaves of the harsingar plant is is very effective in  treating arthritis especially osteoarthritis.
2. Chuna with paan leaves-chuna is rich in calcium and chuna when taken with paan leaves than its calcium is absorbed in good amount in our blood. Chuna is said to be greatest vaat nashak ,after that comes the fenugreek seeds.
1.bark of Arjun tree- the powdered form of the bark of Arjun tree (Arjun ki chaal) is good in lowering cholesterol  and high blood pressure (hypertension)

2. Disuse of refined salt- Rajiv dikshit suggest all to use saindha salt or black salt as these salts are low in sodium and have added nutrition also while on the other hand refined salt is high on sodium ion Na+ and has no nutrition.

Heart blockage
1 bottle gourd juice- freshly prepared juice of bottle gourd when taken on an empty stomach reduces the heart blockage and cholesterol in general.
2. Stop using refined oils-  According to Rajiv dikshit ji  Refined  oils are manufactured by using lots of chemical processes also oil is heated at high temperatures to make it odourless. Refined oils are super bad for cooking as they increase low density lipids (bad cholesterol)in the body.


1. Pattharchatt plant- leaves of pattharchatt plant is very effective in minimising the size of stones. Consume these leaves on empty stomach. 
2. Kulthi daal- Rajiv dikshit ji advocates  consuming kulthi daal on a regular basis shrinks the stone size .

Alcohol addiction
Use of ginger (placing a piece of ginger always in mouth) and use of homeopathic medicine can make one get rid of alcohol addiction.
Rajiv dikshit praises kolhu drawn oil for consuming as it undergoes no heat while extraction and thus nutrition is not lost.
Crores of people still follow Rajiv dikshit ji and use Ayurvedic remedies .

What do you feel about the works of Rajiv dikshit ji, do let us know in the comment section.


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